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USATF Mid Atlantic
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Frequently Asked Questions!
What is the registration fee?
- The
registration fee is $200 for the Spring session and $300 for the Summer session.
There is a sibling discount of $75 per sibling. The fee covers their membership
in the West Chester Track Club, insurance, operating expenses, and entry
into up to 2 track meets per session.
What ages do you accept?
- 9
– 18 (i.e. rising 4th graders through high school
We know nothing about track and my child has never ran before, do you accept beginners?
- Most
definitely! That’s why we do what we do! We accept athletes of all levels of
experience and skill. Also, we typically group athletes based on experience
or skill level.
- If
your athlete does not know what events they want to focus on, our coaches
will be able to provide guidance as your athlete progresses through the
- Same
holds true for track meets. Our coaches will make sure your athletes are
prepared. Track meets also have athletes of varying levels of skill and experience
- We
also stay in communication with all registered members primarily via the
TeamSnap app used for registration. We also use email and twitter.
When and where is practice?
- We
have practice 3 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) in the
evenings from 6:45pm to around 8pm at Downingtown EAST or WEST (TBD) H.S.
- We
have use of the track, infield, and adjacent fields for workouts. We also
provide training in jumps, and throws.
What should my athlete wear to practice?
- Proper
attire consists of sneakers, athletic gear such as shorts, sweat pants, hoodies, t-shirt, etc. It tends to be cold
in the Spring so hat and gloves are highly
recommended. Athletes should also bring their own water bottle to stay
properly hydrated. We do not recommend plastic bottled water to cut down
on litter as well as making sure athletes know which water belongs to
Is a uniform mandatory?
- The
primary article of clothing is the team tank top used during track meets.
It is not absolutely mandatory but it is highly
preferred. In addition to the tank top there is additional gear on our
spirit wear store.
Do you have an indoor program?
- No we do not, however, we do have Spring
and Summer sessions
- The
Spring session is from mid April through the end
of May. Primarily middle school kids since high school kids are competing
for their high school team
- The
Summer session is from June through the end of July
Does my athlete have to compete in meets?
- Track
meets are not mandatory. We definitely understand,
especially during the Summer, that you may already have plans that may conflict
with a meet. However we highly encourage meet
participation as it is a major aspect of the experience and the athlete
gets to see the progress they have made.
- Typically a week before the meet we
send out a signup sheet. Then a few days before the meet, we have a face-to-face
parent meeting to discuss the logistics.
Do you provide transportation to meets?
- We
do not provide transportation to and from meets. Parent’s are responsible for getting their
athlete(s) to track meets. Please refer to our calendar for upcoming meets
and where they are located.